Emilio currently 2 years old. He is a full time kid with no spare time.
Since the age of 3 days old. Michelle and I knew we were gonna have to find a way for this kid to like water. He cried at every bath for the first 2 weeks. Then after 2 weeks I thought this kid does not like baths. I told Michelle lets give him a shower with me.The second he got in the shower and got wet he smiled, and I knew what my lil boy liked.

Im Gabe I have been dj'ing for a few years now. Im starting to work on my bachelors degree at Cal Poly Pomona. I have 4 Associate degrees and 2 certificates. I have always like the water even after nearly drowning 2 times. The first time I almost drowned was in the Azusa canyons in the Los Angeles National Forest in California. The second, was in Kings River in the Sequoia National Forest also in California.
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Michelle is joing us for 2009.
Keep up to date on her atTwitter
We tried calling and emaling the County parks and cities of both Los Angeles and San Bernardino. They knew nothing about these parks. The said "Water Parks?" There is only Raging Waters, Wild Rivers, Hurricane Harbor.
It wasnt until I was at Sunshine Park in Walnut, that I talked to one of the attendants that worked for the Los Angeles County Aquatics. He said they were called "Splash Pads."
I didnt know?
For all information go to The Splash Pad Hunters
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