So far we got a few splash pads in.
Not as many as we anticipated due to the membership of Raging Waters.
Raging Waters Membership - dont do it!
Its only good from the first day until Memorial Weekend,when kids get out of school and there is a 2 hr wait for each ride.
2009 we are strickly SplashPad
Hopefully we can get some more splashpads in 2008 still.
Southern California's weather is so crazy.
It might be hot in December.
Keep the New Splash parks coming in.
We want to know where they pop up.
Emilio is going to be Dumbo for Halloween.
Thanx for reading.
Heres the "End of Summer" family pic.

Email us if you would like to be a contributor writer
at southerncalideej at {aol} . com
For all information go to The Splash Park Hunters